23 May, 2010

- Harper and the Con's . . . 'PU' (Party of Unaccountability) (Re-Post)

Submitted: 5:38pm, PDT, 23 May'10 to CBC News
- Harper and the Con's . . . 'PU' (Party of Unaccountability)

MP expense probe not government's call: PM, CBC News, 21 May '10

Stephen Harper replying that not “under the government’s jurisdiction,” is in a word, obscuration, obstruction and obfuscation. Oh, and did I mention, hypocrisy, hyperbola and unadulterated horse-[redacted].
How is it that just about everybody in Canada knows the solution but Mr. SS Harper (SS = `Super-Strategist`, of course) apparently hasn't got a clue.

As so many people have pointed out, if Harper had the political will he would simply 'whip' his Caucus into agreeing on so doing. Or, he could instruct the Con MP's on the Board of Internal Economy to support it. My understanding is that it would take only one other MP on the Board to pass it.

It is just another example of Stephen Harper refusing to giving a straight answer to a serious question.

People answer questions in this way often when they have something to hide. Some people, of course, can't think on their feet and make stupid statements when put on the spot and asked a question off-the-cuff. And sometimes, they are just unsophisticated, uneducated and unable to properly express themselves. You decide.

My take is that perhaps there is some dirty little secrets that Harper would rather the Auditor General not shine a light upon.

If Harper were not afraid of what Fraser might uncover, he might have said something like:"
“I understand what Canadians are saying. They want accountability and transparency. We are going to find a way … we have to work out a way to move forward on this.” [Ignatieff, see Taber, G&M, 19 May '10]

It is becoming more and more apparent that there is something rotten in the State of Harperdom, that Harper and the Con's are the Party of Unaccountability . . . PU (Ugly, Noxious, Shocking, Smelly, or Odious - Freedictionary)

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog