30 May, 2010

- Harper, Do The Cost-Benefit Analysis Before You Spend a Billion of Our Money

Submitted: 8:30am, PDT, 30 May '10 CBC News
Fraser to audit summit expenses, Previous hosts not as 'transparent' about costs: summit security chief, CBC News, 28 May '10

"Auditor General Sheila Fraser says her office will examine the federal government's hefty security bill at the upcoming G8 and G20 international summits in Ontario after the events are completed."

That's like saying I will look at my credit card statement after I go on my weekend binge.

A Con once said, "People can't live on credit cards, and economies can't live on wild, partizan spending" . . . ok, ok, 'a Con once should have said'

How about, cancel the 'G8+20' for now.

Then, lets take a real look at what real benefit Canada could possibly receive (as a nation - as opposed to promoting the partizan self-interest of Harper and his Con's); what the real costs would be; and here something that might be important, whether we can afford it right now.

Oh my God, don't tell me, it's a "Cost-Benefit analysis with some fiscal prudence thrown in" - I've created a monster.

"Previous hosts not as 'transparent' about costs: summit security chief".

I heard him on TV. It sounded to me like he was insinuating that all the other countries were deliberately holding back the truth.

That's nice, insult the Countries that you are inviting over at the cost of a billion dollars to entertain for a weekend. While they are here let's ask them why they hid the true costs.

If Harper wasn't so in-your-face, my-way-or-the-highway in his International diplomacy, we wouldn't have to spring for a billion dollar party to be accepted as "a player on the International scene". Lester B Pearson didn't have to do that. Trudeau didn't have to do that. Neither did Chrétien nor Martin.

True leaders don't have to try and buy their way into being accepted on the International scene. They merely have to be themselves.

Now there's a though, Harper being himself. I wonder how long the good people of Canada would allow him to remain Prime Minister.

Lloyd MacILquham