15 May, 2010

- Just Keep in Mind that We are the Ones that Keep Stephen Harper and his Bunch of Redacts in Power

Submitted: 9:45am, PDT, 15 May '10, The Toronto Star
Abortion vote 'inevitable,' MP says, The long, slow march to re-open the abortion issue in Parliament, Linda Diebel, 15 May '10, The Toronto Star

All those that find this disturbing and a manifestation of a 'Theo-Con' blurring the separation of State and Church, just keep in mind that we put Stephen Harper and his Theo-Cons in power; and, what are the chances of this issue coming to a vote, or if it did (say by private member's Bill) the chances of it passing, with a Liberal government.

To all those that keep Harper in power - Thanks, but no thanks, I want my Canada back.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html