29 December, 2010

- Why the Harper Middle of the Road Con - Moderate is Moderate and Extremist is Extremist and never the twain shall meet - except in political hype-dom.

Grits dismiss NDP-Tory détente as electioneering, Bill Curry, Globe and Mail Update December 29, 2010.

Darrell Bricker's opinion as set out in this article (at the bottom) sounds a bit (actually more like a bite) biased and more political hype than hard-core analysis. I wonder why that might be.

Wait a minute a quick Google search on "Ipsos Reid"&"Darrell Bricker" shows:

". . .
Prior to joining Ipsos-Reid Corporation (formerly the Angus
Reid Group) in 1990, he was Director of Public Opinion
Research in the Office of the Prime Minister.
. . . "

1990 ??? Wasn't that the Mulroney hayday, or, at least, the beginning of the end.

A strong Con connection, I wonder if that has anything to do with it???

"Mr. Bricker says the Conservatives have a strong lock on centre-right voters, while centre-left voters are split between the Liberals, the Bloc, the NDP and the Greens. "

Mr. Bricker's statement "the Conservatives have a strong lock on centre-right voters" may be Right (politically) but it is simply not right (in my reconings).

If Harper and the Con's did, they would poll consistently in the upper 30's generally across all polls, no matter which pollster.

In reality the polls very consistently show, and have done so for quite some time now, 33% (within stat err) die-hards who would support Harper and the Con's to the extreme and the good of Canada and Canadians be dam[redacted]ed. Ask Bricker.

Harper would very much like to 'con' the moderate majority into thinking he and the Con's are somehow the PC Party of old and occupy the centre-right. They're not and they don't.

Why would Harper want to do this, as opposed to say, standing up, being counted and and in an open, forthright manner say "I am at the Extreme Right Wing of Canadian Politics".

Simple: Moderate is Moderate and Extremist is Extremist and never the twain shall meet - except in political hype-dom.

Of all people that should know all this you'd think someone with Darrell Bricker's background would.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html