31 December, 2010

- Harper's The Wasteland - It is only the Greedy and Power Hungry that Thrive in the Barren Wasteland that is the product of Con'ism.

Submitted: 12:51 PM on December 31, 2010 The Globe and Mail
2018: The new health care, Preston Manning, Globe and Mail, 30 Dec.'10

Preston Manning is leaving out the most important thing, but to no surprise since it highlights the social injustice of a two, in his case, three tiered system.

In a two tiered health care system, the 'doors' simply do not lead to the same place.

They lead to distinctly different levels of service, one for the rich and one for those that simply cannot afford it.

Manning suggests a third tier 'not-for-profit'. However, he makes no effort to explain just who would be running it, who would be providing the services and why it would be any cheaper for "consumers". He is simply leaving it to the read to infer that by using the phrase 'not-for-profit' it would somehow be cheaper - sounds like a Con to me.

Fundamental to Con ideology is privatization of everything, especially of Health care. That means that individuals pay as they go. If you do not have the funds, then, simply put, tough-luck-for-you.

Con'ism is not simply that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It is more the rich get everything and everyone else gets what's left.

It bifurcates the society into two very separate and distinct classes: the vast minority of upper class, and everyone else upon whose blood seat and tear the upper class gains and maintains their wealth.

This needs no scientific experiment, we have spent the last two hundred years climbing out of this moral injustice.

If you have lots of money then that Con'ism is fine, in fact good.

However, the vast majority of people in Canada, including most middle income earners, would simply lose all their personal net worth, including their house, if they had to pay for a heart attack, cancer treatment, etc.,

One of the things that gives Canadians their identity and makes them proud to be Canadians is their compassion for the less fortunate, their willingness to get together and help, their desire to make Canada a good place to live with a standard of living that allows all to live with dignity, to seek their potentials. Government is to allow people joining together to help those that need help. Privatization, especially in the Health-care area, entails a dismantling of Federalism.

What should attract people to Canada is our standard of living for all, a quality of life shared by all, our social justice, our compassion for all, and not that we are a 'wild west' where the rich and powerful are free to do as they will.

I strongly suspect that even the enlightened rich prefer living in a just society. It is only the greedy and power hungry that thrive in the barren wasteland that is the result of Con'ism.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html