21 December, 2010

- Harper - There Are None So Con'd as Those That Will Not See

Posted: 11:08 AM on December 21, 2010
Lost in the fog of misinformation, Jeffrey Simpson, Globe and Mail, 18 Dec.'10

"This one found that 30 per cent of Canadians believed that Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff was somehow responsible for Canada’s humiliating loss in its pursuit of a Security Council seat. This line was put out by the Harper spin machine. It was so egregiously false that even the spin machine dropped it after a couple of days. But it seems the misinformation stuck in the minds of almost a third of the electorate."

This is not a question of being mis-informed. Education, logic, reason have nothing to do with it.

It is a question following Con Party lines to the extreme, no matter where it leads and how ridiculous it is in the light of reason and what impact it may have on Canada as a whole and all Canadians.

In fact the only thing that is surprising at all is that it was 30% and not 33% (although perhaps the same within the margin of error).

Harper and the Con's have a fierce (die-hard) support by a small polarized fraction (right-wing extremists) of the population but large enough (33%) and focused enough (epi-centred Alberta) to get them in power and maintain it because all the other parties are even more polarized. Sound familiar.
Harper and the Con's could call Ignatieff the devil himself and the polls would show 33% agree that this is true (no matter how inverted it may be in reality).

This phenomenon will feature prominently in the next election in the Harper attack ads. Not only do they get these people animated to increase support but there is the crowd hysteria effect as well - you know, in a crowd a few people start cheering and then it spreads to those that are uncommitted.

It is not the realities but the damage being caused by Harper and the Con's to this great nation of our they need to learn - the humiliating loss of the a Security Council seat is but one instance.

But with this 33% die-hard support, as long as the Harper policies do not consolidate the opposition then Harper can, and continues to, implement his right wing extremist program and policies that are strictly partizan with no concern for the good of Canada and Canadians.

The only restraint Harper has is precipitating a consolidation of the (66% Canadians) Moderate Majority - the 66% Canadians that do not buy into the political extremism of Harper and his Con's, that don't want him or subscribe to what he stands for.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html