03 December, 2010

- Harper + Fantino = We've Been Con'd again

Submitted: 7:57am, PST, 3 Dec.'10

New Tory MP Julian Fantino under fire for saying charter has helped criminals, Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian Press
Posted: 2/12/2010 4:36 PM

Fantino: Upholding the Charter of Rights = "promoting the hug-a-thug philosophy."


I wonder what traction that would have received if he had uttered this opinion during a all candidate's debate. Likely Fantino will be in another election soon and unable to hide accountability then.

Talk about being in the right party (and here 'right' does not mean morally, but extreme end of the political spectrum).

That sounds a lot like what Harper, MacKay, and the Con's used to say when someone would raise the issue of human rights abuses in Afghanistan - something amounting to 'Taliban Lovers', if I recall.

Why doesn't Fantino refer to all those innocent citizens who have been accused and convicted of grievous crimes they did not commit but have been and are being forced to spend long terms in jail.

And that is what the Charter is all about.

In a tolerant society citizens place a high premium on freedom, civil rights and innocent people not being wrongly accused and convicted. The opposite end being a police state.

It is only when society slides down the slippery slope to the other extreme that these civil and human rights values get demonized and marginalized.

Christie Blatchford (G&M) gave us some insight into Fantino's extremist values a few days before the election - see my post: - "Harper, Fantino - Birds of a Feather", 28 Non.'10

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html