02 December, 2010

- What would Quintus Tullius Cicero say?

Posted: 10:25 AM on December 2, 2010
Ex-Harper adviser regrets ‘glib’ call for retaliatory WikiLeaks assassination, Jane Taber, Globe and Mail, December 1, 2010

[Jane Taber? - I wonder if my comment will get pulled, once again]

I can't imagine anyone believing that Tom Flanaghan would seriously counsel assassination. This is supported by the suggestion that "Obama should put out a contract or maybe use a drone or something.” - if that isn't being facetious, what is - just ask Bin Landen.

However, it does suggest a mind set that is not middle of the road Canadian. After all 'A man may seye full sooth (truth) in game and pley,' (Chaucer).

And considering that Flanaghan likely had a hand in the development of the Harper 'tough on crime' strategy, this attitude is something that ought to be taken seriously.

Perhaps Flanaghan asks himself "what would Quintus Tullius Cicero say?" before he makes comment.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html

PS. Perhaps Flanaghan could comment on the following:

GWilliams 10:13 AM on December 2, 2010 wrote:

"Conservatism is not the doctrine of the intellectual elite or of the more intelligent segments of the population, but the reverse. By every measure available to us, conservative beliefs are found most frequently among the uninformed, the poorly educated, and the less intelligent" (p. 38). McClosky, H. Conservatism and Personality. American Political Science Review, 52, 27-45

(who is GWilliams anyway!)