03 July, 2010

- Mr. Prentice, I Know Stephen Harper, and Stephen Harper is no Barack Obama

Submitted: 8:01 am, PDT, 3 Jul.'10, CBCV News
Obama announces $2B for solar power, 3 Jul.'10, The Associated Press

"The U.S. government is handing out nearly $2 billion US for new solar plants that President Barack Obama says will create thousands of jobs and increase the use of renewable energy sources.
. . .
'We're going to keep competing aggressively to make sure the jobs and industries of the future are taking root right here in America' Obama said."

Wow, now that's a great idea, use the stimulus spending to create thousands of permanent jobs, establish a new and exponentially growing high tech industry that utilizes the skills and knowhow of a country.

Why didn't we do that.

The big bonus, of course, is that it directly helps with Global Warming and reduce dependency on oil and gas. Maybe it's the reducing dependency on oil and gas that Harper doesn't like. Perhaps, it's a case of 'biting the hand that feeds you'. Even Harper is reluctant to offend the oil industry. When you consider that the epi-centre of Harper and the Con's power base are the die-hard supporters in Alberta, is there any wonder why we have not done this. And, of course, Harper may be afraid that Canada will \lose its status as a oil super-power.

I thought Harper's Global Warming policy was to do whatever the US does. According to Jim Prentice, Obama and the US don't make a move regarding Global Warming policies without consulting Canada first. Looks like, perhaps this claim is 'a bit of a con'.

Oh yah, I almost forgot, Stephen Harper and the Con's have spent our billions on the private party in downtown Toronto last week. You know, the one that resulted in the downtown getting trashed and the G20 entrenching their basic philosophy: "I'll do it my way".

Who gave Harper permission to convert Toronto to his own use anyway (what was wrong with the original plan of having it in Tony Clement's riding, anyway - nothing, except, the voters would surely give him the boot in the next election when they saw the very predictable trashing) . Isn't it under Provincial jurisdiction. I guess "it's good to be the boss".

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html