08 July, 2010

- Harper track record = we must vet Harper's choice for GG very closely.

Submitted: 9:23am, PDT, CBC News
Re-submitted: 9:32am, PDT, CBC News

Johnston named Canada's next governor general, July 8, 2010 |CBC News,
Tab 65, Tab 69

With all due respect for David Johnston - the position of GG will be much too important in the near future to stand on ceremony.

Mr. Johnston will very likely be called upon to make some very important decisions in the near future, decisions that may very well determine the fate of Canada for many years to come.

If Mr. Johnston is such a Constitutional and legal expert where did he stand on the past four constitutional issues:
- dissolving parliament for the last election,
- Proroguing Parliament in Dec '08,
- Proroguing Parliament Dec.'09
- the refusal of Harper to abide by the Will of Parliament with regard to the Afghan Detainee documents.

Given Mr. Johnston's background it would be surprising if he did not have a well developed opinion on these matters.

It may be he refrained from making any public statements, but what about otherwise.

For example, did he give, or offer, directly or indirectly, Harper and the Con's, or the current Governor General or anyone else involved, for that matter, any advise and if so what was it.

Normally this would be private, but Harper appointing him and Mr. Johnston accepting makes it public and important.

When someone says that someone has "gained the confidence of" Stephen Harper it scars me. It seems to me that many times it been observed that Stephen Harper does nothing for non-partizan reasons. Why would Harper be any different now.

This is truly one of those times that the media should make every efforts to shine their light on this appointment.

I am not saying that Mr. Johnston is not above reproach.

What I am saying is: because of the vital importance, and because of Harper track record, we must vet this choice very closely.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html