31 July, 2010

- MacKay: The Russian Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming

Posted: 7/31/2010 1:24:08 PM The Globe and Mail
Tories convert Russian-bomber incident into pitch
for expensive new fighter jets, Globe and Mail, Jul. 30, 2010
Tab 86

“'This incident demonstrates why it is vitally important for the Canadian Armed Forces to have the best technology and equipment available,' the Conservative Party said.
. . .

Defence Minister Peter MacKay was outraged at the allegation that his government is using a crisis to further its political interests.

'I find it astounding there could be any suggestion that we would manufacture Russians approaching our airspace. That’s bordering on ludicrous,' he said. "

"Defence Minister Peter MacKay was outraged . . ."

And this from the guy who said if it isn't in Hansard, it didn't happen.

What is vitally important to Canadian national interests is some rationality to the way Canada is run and the decision making of Harper and the Con government.

It is common knowledge that everything Stephen Harper, Peter Mackay and all the Con's do and say is political, partizan hype.

Perhaps, MacKay could do a ration analysis of this incident and why spending 16 b on 65 F-35 fighter jets would change this type of behaviour by the Russians, Canada's reaction to it or the end result, one iota.

Unless, perhaps, Mackay is suggesting that we could have shot them out of the air. In fact, if the Russian are doing it to see what our capabilities are, one might suspect that they would increase their activities if we have the F-35's. And, it is not bloody likely that we would try to shoot them out of the air, now matter what vintage jest we have.

The Russians were outside Canadian airspace, apparently had no intention of violating our airspace and apparently according to them they had a right to be there and had informed the Canadians before hand.

Also, these are propeller driven planes and why would our current jets not be able to 'intercept' them, or force/shoot them down if so desired. I don't care how fast a prop plane is it simply can't compare to a jet fighter, of any post war vintage.

There is no indication that the Russian violated Canadian airspace, or Canadian sovereignty, to any extent.

So, doesn't this incident demonstrates very visibly that what we have now is sufficient.

MacKay is stretching, severely, when he tries to use this as an excuse for spending 16 b of our hard earned tax dollars on the 65 F-35's. He is trying to appeal to us on an emotional basis, as opposed to any type of rationality. Come now MacKay, you can do better, especially a lawyer, although I can't imagine someone doing Canadians much better.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html