12 July, 2010

- Harper Secret Committees - Be Scared, Very Scared.

Posted: 7/12/2010 10:34:00 AM the Globe and Mail
David Johnston is no partisan appointee, Norman Spector, 12 Jul.'10,
Tab 2
see also:
Harper’s quest for a new G-G: partisans need not apply, 12 Jul.'10

How many times has the media said:

Stephen Harper does nothing that isn't partizan. Stephen Harper is the master political strategist. And, don't forget about the MEP's.

This panel was secret - the hallmark of Harper.

With all due respect to those on the panel. It is important that the media shine their light on Harper's choice for them.

The Soudas E-mail does very little to dispel concerns.

As long as it was Harper that made the choices, especially in secret, all Canadians should be very concerned. This is the sad realities of the Harper track record.

It seems to me that the UofC Pol Sc department is the 'intellectual' centre of Con'ism in Canada. Oh, I forgot, Tom Flanagan has reasserted his intellectual independence from Harper and the Con's.

Rainer Knopff is a "member of a group known as the Calgary School" (a group of like-minded academics from the University of Calgary’s political science and history departments in Calgary, Alberta, Canada . . .
The School is of a decidedly conservative political leaning, and has been described within The Walrus magazine as "a rambunctious, Rocky Mountain brand of libertarianism" that seeks "lower taxes, less federal government, and free markets unfettered by social programs such as medicare that keep citizens from being forced to pull up their own socks." (Wikipedia)

Sounds a lot like Harper and the Con's doesn't it.

The clincher is, of course, when Norman Spector says its non-partizan.

Be scared, very scared.

Also, just how many other secret committees does Harper have on the go.

Here's an American tradition that ought to be borrowed on such occasions:


If Mr. Johnston is such a Constitutional and legal expert where did he stand on the past four constitutional issues:
- dissolving parliament for the last election,
- Proroguing Parliament in Dec '08,
- Proroguing Parliament Dec.'09
- the refusal of Harper to abide by the Will of Parliament with regard to the Afghan Detainee documents.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html