21 March, 2010

- Time for Canada to Clean Up Our Act - Boot Harper Out

Posted: 3/21/2010 12:14:10 PM The Globe and Mail

How the Conservatives dodged the climate bullet, Gloria Galloway, 21 Mar.'10
Tab 27

It is interesting that Stephen Harper and the Con's would tout that science would somehow find a solution (vis. Carbon sequestration) to global warming and cut funding to research and development. Of course, this 'deus ex machina' devise was a favourite of G.W. Bush and the US conservative movement to slough off criticism for not doing anything about Global Warming.

If there is more a a mere possibility that our action now will cause serious environmental harm to our children and our children's children in the future, whether 20 years - 30 years or 50 years. Then, we must act, and act decisively and to the extent required, now.

The stimulus package was a prime opportunity to do this but Harper and the Con's have pretty much a write-off on this. They have been too busy trying to use our tax dollars to benefit their supporters and to identify the stimulus spending with the Con party, as opposed to being a seriously needed program funded by all Canadians for the benefit of all Canadians.

It is very interesting that Manning would so openly suggest the need for cap-and-trade and carbon taxes. Perhaps the reporter should have asked him what he though of Dion's proposal, now that he is being so open.

Harper and the Con, of course, when cornered always try to deflect criticism. The standard is, as mentioned, that the Liberals failed to do much. This was, of course, before the Canadian people become so aware and conscious of the issue and urgency of Global Warming.

The Liberals of Jean Chrétien were the vanguards and were pushing against the great inertia that existed, in very large part due to all the Con's and those that have a vested interest in oil, especially the Tar Sands in Canada. (It is, when you think about it, outrageous that Harper and his Con supporters were the ones being obstructionist and causing Canada to drag its feet, then Harper turns around and blames the Liberals for not getting things done). This push to awareness was greatly helped by Al Gore. But even more so by the UN Conference. This was after Harper took over. Perhaps Chrétien and Martin might speak out about this.

The Con movement around the world are attacking the Conference, but not matter what it gave this issue the exposure it needed and made people understand its importance. Looking at microscopically and pointing to alleged short comings to suggest that in toto it was wrong is of course fallacious logic to the point of dishonestly.

The fact of the matter is we know that with Harper nothing is going to get done.

The Liberal are prepared to act and with the will of the vast majority of Canadians on side they will act.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html