26 March, 2010

- Harper, Too-Clever-By-Half

Submitted: 7:55am, PST, 26 Mar.'10 CBC News
Canadian soldier interviewed Afghan forces detainee, James Cudmore, CBC News,
Tab 22

Stephen Harper releasing these papers these is 'too-few-by-half'.

As it turns out, apparently these documents, as redacted, had been submitted to the Military Complaints Commission and are set to become public in the next month or two.

Anyone wonder about irrationality of Harper saying that all the documents, un-redacted, can not be released to Parliament because of security considerations. Vis.: the only reason Harper, MacKay and other Con's have access to the un-redacted papers, and in toto, is because they are Members of Parliament. Why is it that Harper and the Con's are the only people elected to Parliament that can be trusted to keep Canada's security sensitive information secret and no one else in Parliament can.

Oh, yah, I forgot, because if the truth be know, Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay, Gordon O'Connor, John Baird, Laurie Hawn and/or other Con's in the government may be put into a very embarrassing position and required to answer some very tough questions the answers to which may very well put their actions into question, their hold on power into jeopardy or worse, cause investigations by the International Criminal Courts in the Hague.

With these documents coming to light, and there will be more (as I mentioned before it is something like a big hunk of [censored] thrown against a wall, first a little flick hits, then another then a little bigger and in more rapid success until 'whap'), anyone wonder why a full and open Judicial Inquiry is not being called.

Oh yah, I forgot, . . . (please see above)

Stephen Harper and the Con's, it time to withdraw to previously determined position. Retreat back to whence you came. Haven't you done enough damage to Canada and our reputation in the world. Why does Canada have to suffer this simply for putting you into power.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html