16 March, 2010

- Fight Harper with Truth Obtained through Rationality

Submitted: 9:28am, PST, CBC Nwes
Ignatieff defends cross-country tour, CBC News, 16 Mar.'10
Tab 3

A new national poll

"Michael Ignatieff is seen by substantially more Canadians as smarter than Stephen Harper, but the Prime Minister's macho emotional image plays better with the electorate, says a new national poll exploring the role of emotion in politics.
. . .

But, paradoxically, they want a more chauvinistic – which is an emotional attribute – political culture, with courage heading the list of emotions they prefer most in their politicians, a view of politics dramatically supported by men over the age of 45, who Mr. Graves describes as having a stranglehold on the political agenda."
(G&M,"Exploring the politics of emotion" (I know, but it is important)

Perhaps Michael Ignatieff might want to rethink going on tour rather than fighting toe-to-toe in the House with Harper; 'opposing the budget but not forcing an election'; and, approaching policy formulation as an academic endeavour. These highlight his intellectual abilities but they don't 'take the bull by the horns'.

I think this poll shows that Ignatieff might rather consider using his abilities to rational though to take on Harper and his distortions, cover-ups, duplicity, deception, obscuration and obfuscation, suppression of truth and, slandering, mud slinging and character assassination. The way to fight Harper and the Con's is with truth. The way to the truth is rationality. Ignatieff has the rationality but what people want in their political leader is the 'fight' using the truth, obtained through rationality.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html