02 March, 2010

- Harper No Class Act

Submitted: 7:14am, PST, 2 Mar.'10 CBC
Best Olympics world has ever seen: Harper, March 2, 2010

- Harper A Class Con Act

Stephen Harper and all the Conservatives ought to take a lesson from the class act of not only all our athletes who competed at the Olympics, but all the athletes around the world. At least there is something about Canada that we can point on the world stage to dispel the dark shadow cast by Harper and be proud.

If our Hockey Players had played hockey the way Stephen Harper and the Con's do politics, they would all have been given game misconducts and the teams kicked out of the Olympics.

. . . There's a thought, kick Harper and the Con's out of office.

Never mind whether ' Own the Podium ' has been successful how about Stephen Harper and the Con's ' Own The Parliament ' strategy?

Now I am sure Harper will tout how he is responsible for Canada's great showing at the Olympics - who knows how, perhaps Harper will explain that his heavy handed abuse of Canadian Democratic Institutions, in-your-face statesmanship and hyper political self-serving served as an inspiration to all.

(By the way, congratulations to all the Olympic competitors for making such a great Games, and to all the Canadians, especially our Hockey Teams - it serves as a great example of what the nations of the world can achieve despite politics).

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html