25 March, 2010

- Harper: One-out-of-Three, What More Do You Want

Posted 8:08am,PST, 25 Mar.'10 CBC News

Tories remain favourites in new poll, CBC News 25 Mar.'10
Tab 81

This Poll is not surprising since it just illustrates Canada is being lead by a small segment if the population, approximately 33% die-hard supporters of Stephen Harper and the Con's. They are based in Alberta and represent the extreme right wing of our society. These core supporters also fund the Con party not just in ridings local to Calgary or Edmonton but all over Canada.

The surprising thing is that the other 67% let them.

The longer Harper and the Con' are in power the more they will be able to drag use, evidently un-screaming, more and more to the right with their right wing, hyper-partizan appointments and implementation of policies. The recent one on International assistance to women and family planning is a prime example of how they making an extreme right turn from Canada's policies of 25 years.

Ignatieff's Thinkers Conference may very well develop important new directions for Canada, and the possibilities are exciting. But, that is for the long term (relatively speaking). By the time a clear condensed policy is finalized it will be two years. In two years the political landscape of Canada will have be pulled so far to the right that these policies will be much harder to bring to the people than now.

Ignatieff and the Liberals should be looking to bring in policies now that will allow the centre and left to unite under one banner to defeat the Con's.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog