11 February, 2010

- Hypocrite thy name is Harper

Submitted: 10:31am PST, 11 Feb'10 - The Toronto Star
Not Posted - you tell me
PM's office attacks top banker in deficit spat, `Bay St. banker' lashed after urging Ottawa cut deficit with higher taxes, Les Whittington & Susan Delacourt, 11 Feb.'10
Tab 15

(Even Shakespeare had something to say about the likes of Harper.)

"[ Harper ] doesn't listen, but you get to chat with him,"
So much for the highly touted consultations with Canadian. Harper is not seeking any input from Opposition Parties, either. So, just what is Harper basing the budget on - that just leaves Harper's right wing extremist ideology. God save Canada.

"lectured Canadians from sunny Florida on our need to pay higher taxes," - Wasn't it Harper that released the Financial Update from China - Hypocrite thy name is Harper

"This government will not entertain raising taxes on hard-working Canadians or cutting transfers to provinces."
Oh, yah ! just watch them. To reduce the deficit Harper and the Con's will severely slash funding to various programs. They will also increase charges to various services, etc., which in reality amount to 'hidden' tax increases. If anyone wants to get more details on right wing ideology behind Harper's economic strategy check out the following coven of extreme right wing ideologues:
Fraser Institute - Mike Harris and Preston Manning, A Canada Strong and Free, Date Published: April 1, 2005. Reductions in payments to the Provinces of one form or another will be implemented. Whether you call it a transfer payment or not, the result is the same. "That which we call a Con by any other name would smell as much".

'Fear of reprisals from the Harper government has made some people reluctant to take part in Liberal hearings on Parliament Hill these past few weeks, Ignatieff said Wednesday.
. . .
The Liberal leader hinted, however, that some people were afraid of possible damage to their business or livelihood.'

Yah gotta love that Harper (if you're a right wing extremist, anyway).

It is outrageous that there would be people in Canada that are afraid to speak their opinion due to reprisals from the Harper and the Con's government.

What an incredible abuse of power.

This isn't some totalitarian dictatorship, . . . is it? This isn't some totalitarian dictatorship, . . . is it? Am I missing something?

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html