17 February, 2010

Harper-avelli, what a "Prince"

Submitted: 2/17/2010 11:02:17 The Globe and Mail

Top adviser leaves Bev Oda's office, Steven Chase
Tab 8

Harper and the Con's using threats of withdrawing government funding to otherwise legitimate and qualifying organizations against anyone that they think might dare to stand up for something that they don't like or might be perceived as being against them.

That's easy to believe, especially given Harper track record.

This goes hand in hand, of course, with the viscous personal attacks we have seen, even just lately against Richard Colvin and most recently Ed Clark.

The only thing that is hard to understand is why Harper and his gang of Con's are running this, otherwise, great nation of ours.

Oh, and by the way, did I mention that, there is absolutely no question that Canadians have the right (moral right that is) to know why Keith Fountain has "moved on", especially given the surrounding circumstances.

2/17/2010 12:47:47 PM
Harper-avelli, what a "Prince"

These tactics of Harper and the Con's are, of course, typical of right wing extremist groups. I have done many Refugee Claims involving third world governments and Harper's actions fit the scenario to a 'T'.

Given the incredible deficits and Harper's refusal to do anything about it, except (God help us) to wait 6 years while the Canadian economy grows out of it; and, given Harper's do nothing approach to global warming and other matters of global proportions and urgency; and, given Harper's utter disdain for Canadian Democracy; and, given Harper's expressed life goal to tear Canada asunder,

it seems Harper plan is to turn Canada into a third world country -

perhaps so he will feel more at home, politically speaking, with his Harper-avellian methods.

It would be a lot better for Canada if we simply helped find an existing third world country with which Harper can realize his potential.

PS: does this mean Harper won't be appointing me to the Senate.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html