13 February, 2010

- Harper Gang - Escaped Con Alert !!!

Submitted: 8:55am, PST, 13 Feb.'10 - CBC

From the desk of a clearly very, very busy John Baird …, Kady O'Malley , 12 Feb.'10

Baird, if you can't stand the heat then stay out of the kitchen.

Sounds like we're being Con'd again.

Baird's excuse something like an escaped con saying to the judge, "but I spent the time under self imposed house arrest, so that's ok."

If you are unable to do the normal constituency work and conform to the Will of Parliament, then get out of politics. Do Canada a favour and, along with the rest of the Harper gang, get out anyway. You and your Con buddies destroyed Ontario and now you are doing it to Canada.

Baird explains that he has been busy "public events and announcements". Don't tell me, Baird's excuse for suppressing Canadian Democracy and overt contempt for the Will of Parliament is that he can, what, take personal credit for the Billions being spent on the economic stimulus, take credit for the Olympics, design a Budget based on the input from Canadians (Baird didn't even bother trying that excuse), suggest that he single handedly made the Canadian banks what they are today - oh, sorry, that' Harper and Flaherty, mea culpa, mea culpa!

I know, its the over-time designing defamatory E-mails attacking anyone who dares to stand up to him, Harper and the Con's. That would certainly explain the extra-ordinarily busy schedule.

The Con's are certainly not spending anytime making changes to their Budget based on input from Canadians. Just ask TD CEO Ed Clark or all the opposition members.

Baird, if you want to try to rectify matters try:

Calling an Inquiry into the Afghan Detainee Transfers and ensuing cover-up; and, obeying the Parliamentary Order-to-Produce, are necessary; as well as, a mea culpa and conforming to any disciplinary measures as determined just by Parliament.

Harper, Baird and all the Con's government is subject to the Will of Parliament.

Harper prorogued parliament in an attempt to avoid taking responsibility for the Afghan Detainee Transfers and ensuing cover-up. One of the intended effects was to dissolve the Committee investigating this issue. And, Harper is refusing to obey the Parliament Order-to-Produce demanding that the Administration hand over confidential records on the Afghan Detainee Transfers.
Harper, Baird and the Con government has attacked and shown amazing contempt for our Democratic Way of Government, the Rule of Law, and have ruthlessly abused the office of PM.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html