04 February, 2010

- Harper Is Not Above the Rule of Law

Posted: 2/4/2010 10:57:38 AM
Harper sets a trap for the opposition, Steven Chase, 4 Feb.'10
Tab 57

The damage to our Democracy has been done.

For Harper to suggest that all that need be done is tack on a couple extra weeks of sitting of Parliament is an insult to the intelligence and integrity of all Canadians.

There is no guarantee that Harper will not do this, or some other such act of contempt, again next time he is being made accountable.

Harper and the Con's must clearly demonstrate that they are Accountable to the Will of Parliament.

Harper prorogued parliament in an attempt to avoid taking responsibility for the Afghan Detainee Transfers and ensuing cover-up. One of the intended effects was to dissolve the Committee investigating this issue. And, Harper is refusing to obey the Parliament Order-to-Produce demanding that the Administration hand over confidential records on the Afghan Detainee Transfers.

Harper has attacked and shown amazing contempt for our Democratic Way of Government, the Rule of Law, and he has ruthlessly abused the office of PM.

Harper has made it very clear that he feels he is above the Will of Parliament.

Calling an Inquiry into the Afghan Detainee Transfers and ensuing cover-up; and, obeying the Parliamentary Order-to-Produce, are necessary; as well as, a mea culpa and conforming to any disciplinary measures as determined just by Parliament.

It is outrageous and an insult to all Canadians, even those core supporters of Harper that are the reason he is in a position to do this, that Parliament would have to pass legislation curtailing the Prime Minister and the government of the day from exercising its power arbitrarily.

Brian Mulroney and Jean Chrétien had large majorities, yet this contempt for Parliament was not an issue. We all must take a serious look and ask ourselves why. The previous PM's had the interests of Canada, all Canadians and the future of this nation, at heart. Harper has dedicated his career in public life to tearing asunder Confederation. Soon Harper will be saying that the Federal Government is dysfunctional and disband Confederation.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html