25 February, 2010

Harper + Bernier = Con'd Again !

Posted: 2/25/2010 10:59:29 AM The Globe and Mail
Maxime Bernier challenges climate science, Norman Spector, February 24, 2010
Tab 16

Taking Action Against Global Warming is the Right (morally, that is) Thing to Do.

"What is certain is that it would be irresponsible to spend billions of dollars and to impose unnecessarily stringent regulations to solve a problem whose gravity we still are not certain about." (Norman Spector translation)

Maxime Bernier is approaching the global Warming problem on an emotional not rational basis, designed to incite the Con core-supporters concentrated West of Manitoba.

No Body or Organization that has responsibility would base their policies on such an extreme, absolutist perspective.

The only time we will be certain about Global Warming and its catastrophic impact around the world is when it happens, which will be far too late. Even then there will be Con deniers.

If there is more than a mere possibility that even a fraction of the damage predicted will occur because of our activities now in and in the past, we must do something about it. We must do it now since later it will be too late.

Of course, this is simply looking at the problem in a rational, logical 'risk management' approach.

There is no doubt that Bernier's approach is deliberate and is espousing the true attitudes of Stephen Harper, the Con Party and all the die-hard supporters of the Conservative Party. There is no doubt that the only reason Harper appeared to have 'abandoned' this position a few years ago is he wants to hold onto power and try not to look too politically motivated and self-serving in the International Community. There is no doubt that it is timed to be released just before a mayor report on the inefficiencies of the tar-sands due to royalties etc. It is easy to see where this is all headed.

Whereas, Harper's base is in Alberta. They make up the die-hardest of his supporters, and perhaps the source of the lion's share of the Con's funding. Harper, from the start has done everything to increase Alberta' autonomy and protect its oil industry, and Canada be damned - this is nowhere more apparent than Harper's policies on Global Warming. Natural Resources Department assessment indicates that the projected increase to economic growth from the oil industry is $885 billion between 2000 and 2020, including growth of $634 billion in Alberta. Just imagine how much the benefit would remain in Alberta if there were no Federal taxes. Then there is the transfer payments, which would be hugely increased, that would be done away with. You do the math.

When all those countries that have not contributed to Global Warming or benefited from it but suffer the greatest devastating impact of it turn to Canada and see that we not only contributed to it, did nothing to stop it, but in actuality have benefited, we will be lucky if all they do is sue us for trillions in law suits similar to the tobacco suits. It will be our children and our children's children that will be required to pay the price.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html

Posted February 25th 2010, 12:27pm Toronto Sun
Mad Max makes sense on climate change
Last Updated: February 25, 2010 2:00am
Tab 3

Thursday, February 25, 2010 9:16 AM
Harper's Mad Max headache
Robert Silver
tab 4