02 October, 2009

- If everyone in Canada were to take a close look at Harper what he stands for and what he is doing, we all would lose confidence his governance.

G&M: How ‘Iffy' and the Liberals dropped the ball
Lawrence Martin, Wednesday, Sep. 30, 2009

It is this article that is "Iffy" and the media that has, once again "Dropped the Ball".

The real question that everyone should be asking is just how much of this is 'simply' media hype.

The only thing "Iffy" here is the underlying motivations of the newspapers and other media as well as those that write for them.

After reading this article one wonders whether the writer really has something important to say or simply came up with a catchy Title and had to write something in order to use it.

It is time that the media stop sensationalizing everything at the expense of presenting the realities and what is best for Canada and all Canadians simply to promote their own careers and bottom lines of their bosses.

For example, what Ignatieff said in Sault Ste Marie is that he and the Liberal Party has no confidence in Harper and the Con's and will not support them. In their non-confidence speech he set out the reasons. Who can point to any media report of the Coderre affair that actually sets out all the circumstances surrounding, as opposed to jumping on something that makes a catchy phrase or sound bite.

The fact of the matter is the media doesn't care what the realities are, only that they may attract attention to themselves.

What makes the 'news' is unabashed spectacle and sensationalism, with no regard to the realities. It is designed precisely to be catchy, play on our emotions and makes no effort whatsoever to communicate with us on any kind of intelligent level with the intent to present reality and in the light of truth. No wonder we have a government in Harper and the Cons that operate in precisely the same fashion. If Harper and the Con's agenda were, in reality, based on other than extreme right wing ideology it might not be so scary.

If everyone in Canada were to take a close look at Harper, his Con's, what they stand for and what they are doing, we all would lose confidence in them and their governance. The media ought to be spending their efforts in allowing all Canadians to see clearly how our country is being run, as opposed to 'Piling on Iggy'. This is a fundamental and vital aspect of the sacred and social contract enshrined in freedom of the press and the special place we have placed the media in.