24 October, 2009

- The Con's are not the Tories

Stimulus money driving Tory bus , Party’s byelection candidates focusing on delivering cash,
Heather Scoffield, The Canadian Press, Oct 24, 2009

larkmack wrote: "Two things. The party lead by Mr Harper are not Tories."

He is absolutely correct. The Con's are not the Tories.

The Tories had a long history of participating in the building of a great nation, Canada, and could hold their heads up with pride. Harper and the Con's have no such history and are tearing it down.

Harper's only concern is power, grasping it and holding on to it, Canada be damned.

Also, I can't imagine anybody pointing to how Harper and the Con's conduct their affairs with pride. Their place in Canadian history will be quite the contrary.

One thing that the Con's and the Tories have in common is using taxpayer's money to buy votes. If I recall Brian Mulroney was a master at it, however much more sophisticated and subtle.

Will the voters see through this? This is a good opportunity to see. In by-elections the voting is not so much for the leader or the party but more based on the candidates and the issues. On the other hand, these ridings are considered to maintain the status quo (the NS riding going Con). So, by comparing the last election result with the upcoming one may give some insight into this.

Also, hopefully the other candidates are exposing the Con's for what they are.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html