24 October, 2009

- Harper calling an election would be quite the Harperiavellianism,

Submitted but not posted???Travers: PM may be wise to force election, Storms brewing over Afghanistan, stimulus, James Travers, National Reporter, Oct 24 2009
Tab 2

Harper calling an election would be quite the Harperiavellianism, given Harper, Baird and all the Con's mantra of "Canadians don't want an election" and an election would be a waste of taxpayers money and disrupt the 'fragile economic recovery'.

However, with Harper and the Con's it has always been, grab power, hide, distort and obstruct the truth, approach the voter on an emotional basis and Canada be damned, so I don't put it past him and the Con's at all.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html