18 October, 2009

- The Harper strategy to eliminate the deficit is to wait until the economy grows out of it in 5 - 6 years. God save Canada.

Posted: 9:45am, 18 Oct.'09 (PDT)2008 federal deficit hit $5.8B, audit reveals, Friday, October 16, 2009
tab 42

Harper, Flaherty and the Con's been hiding the truth, misrepresenting the realities, suppressing access to information and undermining Parliamentary overview and doing so for their own purpose of holding onto power and Canada be damned. The cuts to GST are a prime example that ought to raise the eyebrow of every Canadian, especially when we see the negative impact on the countries finances.

The Harper strategy to eliminate the deficit is to wait until the economy grows out of it in 5 - 6 years. God save Canada.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html