27 November, 2010

- Mr. Harper, Let not our legacy be a bitter resentment that we were ever given a turn at the helm

Cooling climate change: Environmental inaction seems to be taking hold, Axel Schmidt,
Nov. 27, 2010

"The trouble, says Ross Mc-Kitrick, the University of Guelph economist who helped expose significant data errors in some of the IPCC's main climate models, is that with their dominating insistence that their science was "settled," that there could be no doubt about their claims, the climate change lobby put their work on a fragile pedestal: . . . "

I agree with Mc-Kitrick, the climate change lobby put their claims in absolute terms and thereby weekend their position.

The fact is that not only ought it not be put in absolute terms but it ought to be put in risk assessment terms:

If there is more than a mere possibility that our action now will cause serious environmental, economic, social harm to our children and our children's children in the future, whether 20 years - 30 years or 50 years. Then, we must act, and act decisively and to the extent required, now.

When all those countries that have not contributed to Global Warming or benefited from it but suffer the greatest devastating impact of it turn to Canada and see that we not only contributed to it, did nothing to stop it, but in actuality have benefited, we will be lucky if all they do is sue us for trillions in law suits similar to the tobacco suits.

The problem is amplified by the fact that the results of our actions do not manifest disaster now but in the future and it will be our children and our children's children that will be required to pay the price.

Let not our legacy be a bitter resentment that we were ever given a turn at the helm.

We can not morally or economically pollute with reckless abandon, simply to let someone else pay the price of the damage and clean-up.

Even now countries are putting the blame on the developed Western countries saying they have been polluting for many years and are the ones that have caused the present situation and so are refusing to take action. They seem, however, to fail to factor in that they are benefiting as much if not more by all the scientific, technological, medical advances that are the direct result of such pollution.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html