11 November, 2010

- Lest We Forget

- “If you had seen one day of war, you would pray to God that you would never see another.”

The Duke of Wellington

- "If we let people see that kind of thing, there would never again be any war.”

Pentagon official explaining why the U.S. military censored graphic footage from the Gulf War

- "People have not been horrified by war to a sufficient extent... War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige as the warrior does today." 

John F. Kennedy

- “I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity.” 

Dwight D. Eisenhower

- "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." 
Sun Tzu

- "The basic problems facing the world today are not susceptible to a military solution."

John F. Kennedy

- "When I see photos and video of the First and Second World Wars all I can say is: 'Thank God, I grew up in a time of no wars'."

Lloyd MacIlquham