17 December, 2009

- So much Bunkam from Harper - So little time for the World.

Ottawa Notebook, 'The warm front has passed' on climate change, Jane Taber, 17 Dec.'09
Tab 12, 13, 17

Dear Lady Jane,

So much Bunkam from Harper and Everyone that Supports Him - So little time for the World.

If Dimitri Pantzopoulos (former Conservative Party pollster) does not release the data from his poll how can any one say that "his research is solid".

I can see no reasons to throw out 200 years of development of the scientific principles of "transparency" and "skepticism" (i.e. make the data available to all so that it may be tested by his peers, this, of course, refers to all in the scientific community and not the Con Party) simply because we are dealing with probably the single most important issue, other than nuclear holocaust, the mankind has every faced as a species.

I realize that a reporter can not be expected to be well versed in transparency and objectivity, however, that is no excuse for out and out bias.

How do we know if this is just another application of the legendary Harper propaganda machine.

“My takes on the numbers is that attitudes to the environment are unlikely to rebound to previous levels even in the face of an improving economy. . ."
This is obviously subjective and not objective and clearly indicates a political statement - perhaps even an application of the basic Harper and the Con doctrine, so adeptly expressed by Tom Flanagan, 'it doesn't have to be true, it just has to be plausible' [sic].

To say that numbers will not rebound is simply another way of denying Global Warming. Clearly as the effects of Global Warming because more and more manifest, the attitude to Global Warming will rebound.

This, course, is at the heart of the problem. When this happens it will be too late by far to do anything.

The actions of the Third World Countries at Copenhagen should be a wake-up call to everyone, especially in Canada.

When their countries are under ocean water, have no potable water, are experience systemic drought and crop failure, blight, super-storms, Tsunami's, hurricanes of Biblical proportions, they will turn their attention to Canada and see that we still have water, still have crops, have the resources to endure all these things and, of course, still releasing huge amounts of global warming gasses.

Does anyone really think they will say, "Oh, but Canada's inaction was justified because it only accounts for only 2% of global warming gasses. Not likely. More likely they will demand retribution.

In a past era it would very likely lead to 'the GWW' (Global Warming Wars). However, in this modern era, one need only look at what has happened to the cigarette companies in Canada and the United State - i.e. multi-trillion (or whatever comes after that) dollar law suites at the International Courts - the 'power of 10 law suites' i.e. the amounts awarded will be expressed in 10 to the power of whatever (of course, I could be mistaken about the GWW's). The Harper position to Global Warming and their so called 'Reports' and polls are so analogous to what the cigarette companies did for so many years, its scary, or it should be scary.

This will, in and of itself, of course, cripple our children and our children's children economy and cast their futures into a new Dark Age. And who will we have to thank - Harper, Baird, Prentice, all the Con's and everyone that supports them.

Keep in mind that nature takes care of its own. Global Warming on the evolutionary scene is no more than the 'smoking gun' of mankind's extinction. The inaction and total selfishness of people like Harper is merely the manifestation of the 'evolutionary flaw' of the species. The irony is that Harper's right wing ideology of sink or swim, the strongest survive, is exactly the principle that will lead to the extinction of the human species, and his approach to Global Warming the method. God gave us brains equipped with a discerning rational faculty, let's pray we use it.

If there is a mere possibility of our actions resulting in the type of Universal Cataclysm indicated by Global Warming we must act now and in the extreme.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html

posted 10:43m PST, 17 Dec.'09
World leaders push for climate deal, 17 Dec.'09
Tab 99, 101