31 December, 2009

- The Harper Dictatorship

Stephen Harper's not-so-benign dictatorship, Michael Behiels, Citizen Special, December 31, 2009

submitted 9:37am PST, 31 Dec.'09 - not posted
re-submitted 3:36pm PST, 31 Dec.'09

"If the Supreme Court fails to defend the rights of Parliament and Canadians . . ."

I am not sure what you are referring to. Please explain. Is there, or will there, or could there, be such a challenge. Also, keep in mind that the Con's actually campaigned (in at least '04) on putting the Supreme Court under the direct review of Parliament. You connect the dots.

". . . , then every Canadian has the responsibility to exercise his/her full sovereignty via the ballot box."

Your article is interesting and important. However, your final conclusion seems politically naive.

We cannot wait for the next election to display our displeasure at the ballot box. If for no other reason than:
- Harper and the Con's have developed the biggest propaganda machine seen in Western democracies in recent history that they have no hesitation in using no matter how reprehensible and morally and secularly dishonest, approaching Canadians solely on an emotional level, with a total disregard for the truth.

One can only wonder to what extent, given the huge amounts of tax payers money, as well as Con Party money, Harper spends on media - central to the smooth running of their propaganda machine, the Harper and Con largess is tied to media that publish pro-Con materials.

- Harper and the Cons have approx 33 - 35% core supporters, people who will support Harper no matter what. They are not interested in logic, rationality, preservation of Canada's Democratic system (they appear to have as much contempt for Canada's democratic system, and Canada as a nation, as Harper and his Con's). Further, Harper, through his propaganda machine and grass roots connections is able to incite them to an irrational pitch. One need only observe what happened last December. I have studied many political systems throughout the world, especially the establishment, and overthrow, of oppressive, totalitarian and dictatorially regimes. One thing I have observed is that it only takes 10 - 15% of the population who are so motivated to overthrough the existing political system and replace it (if you have any contrary info please let me know). Never in Canada you say - I pray to God not.

It seems to me that Canadian's must be made aware of the overall damaging effect that Harper and the Con's policies will have in the long run to Canada not only our economy, but to the country as a nation and our social fabric. It is our children and our children's children that will be required shoulder this withering burdened.

The Liberal Party, or other the opposition Parties, will not be able to do this by themself. It is something that will have to result from a general awareness, including the media both traditional and Web "[shining a] light into dark corners" of government and "assist the process of holding governments accountable” (to borrow a phrase from Harper).

This, of course, is harder than it sounds given Harper propaganda machine and the huge amounts of tax payers money, as well as Con Party money, Harper spends on media - central to the smooth running of their propaganda machine, the Harper and Con largess is tied to media that publish pro-Con materials.

I think that the way to do this is by having everyone, to a person, in Canada who feels strongly enough to stand up and be counted (I am sure I don't need a reference) do so, be encouraged to do it and be provided with the necessary information to assist. Everyone who can, including the media, who is at all concerned ought to be doing this - Canada's future and the future of our children and our children's children are at stake.

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html