09 December, 2009

- MacKay Do The Honourable Thing - "seppuku " - figuratively - i.e. "spill your guts and resign"

Submitted, 10:07 am PST, to:
Canadians had detained abused suspect: general, December 9, 2009, CBC News
Tab 79

Harper and MacKay think they are warriors.

However, the hallmark of a warrior is honesty, integrity and honour.

MacKay, the way of the warrior would be to stand in front of the Committee today and do the honourable thing - "seppuku " - figuratively - i.e. "spill your guts and resign". Take responsibility for your actions. Be a true warrior.

If anyone wants to see how a true warrior handles themselves take a look at Gen. Walter Natynczyk today. He stood up for all Canadians to hear that he had said something that wasn't true yesterday - the Afghan passed to Afghan authorities and mistreated had not been detained and that he learned last night that that wasn't true.

Natynczyk did the honourable thing.

MacKay is obviously going to say that he was not aware of any Afghan detainees transferred to Afghan authorities and has said there was no evidence of such.

MacKay's and Harper's job was to investigate and determine that no such thing was, in fact, occurring and ensure that no such thing would occur - especially true because Harper decided to up the activities of our troops in Afghanistan to out and out combat in 2006.

MacKay and Harper, rather than approach this issue in 2006 - 2007 in a reasonable fashion, respond in a meaningful fashion to the, quite legitimate, inquiries of Afghan detainee transfers, they denied everything, hid information, obstructed and distorted and insulted and attacked the credibility of whomever crossed their path and all that dare to stand up to them - and they are still doing this - and Canada be damned.

Harper has been going around the world lately wrapping himself in the Canadian flag, but has achieving only to sully it (Gar Pardy, retired Canadian diplomat).

Lloyd MacIlquham cicblog.com/comments.html