03 March, 2012

You elected them . . . Or not

Submitted: 9:50am, PDT, 3 Mar.'12
RackNine sues Pat Martin and NDP for $5 million, By Meagan Fitzpatrick, CBC News, Mar 3, 2012http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/03/02/pol-racknine-sues-ndp.html

I wouldn't be surprised that

there were many highly qualified lawyers willing

to assist Pat Martin and the NDP

on a Pro Bono basis on this one.

??? "Meier . . . his company to be
'shunned, avoided, and exposed to hatred, contempt and ridicule' and that Martin and the NDP purposefully tried to maximize the damage to RackNine."

The first question is:

Whether, in fact, RackNine Inc. has been

'shunned, avoided, and exposed to hatred, contempt and ridicule"

If this is answered yes;

then, the second question is:

The cause.

I would look to their connection to

Harper and the Con's as causing this

and the direct result of

doing business with the Con's.

Of course, if this is, in fact, the case,

Then the third question:


is moot,

at least for the Claim by the Plaintiffs.

Perhaps not, however, for

a counter-claim.

After all, accusing someone of slander, libel, defamation, might in itself be considered slander, libel, defamation.

Then, you have questions about abuse of process - using the Courts to intimidate and suppress political opinion.

et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

[Now that's ironic, using allegations of suppressing people's expression of their political opinion through the most fundamental of Democratic principals and rights, voting, to suppress the political opinion of the Official Opposition. What next, going after the media for bringing these issues before the people of Canada]

I hope Pat Martin and the NDP defend this vigorously.

Oh, and by the way, did I mention

There is absolutely no way Harper would allow by-elections to rectify this situation


There is no way Harper would allow an Inquiry.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html