17 March, 2012

- And I dreamed I saw the F-35 stealth jet planes . . . turn into health care, child care, retirement security, post secondary education . . . across our nation (take-off from Joni Mitchell lyrics)

(see my post 1 Sep.'10 - cicblog.com/comments)

except submitted 9:13am, 17 Mar.'12
F-35 delivery could be delayed to save money, Laura Payton, CBC News
Posted: Mar 16, 2012


There are a number of basic factors that must be considered when conducting an analysis of the F035 purchases by Canada.

- You simply cannot take what Stephen Harper, Julian Fantino, Peter MacKay or any of the other Con's say at face value. If they are telling us one thing you can betcha the reality is quite different.

- F-35's are a poor choice to defend our Arctic, but a good choice if we wish to invade some country.

- There is only one purpose for the military buildup by Harper and the Con's spending over $50 billion dollars of our hard earned money $30b on F-35's and another over $20b on war ships.


Canadians have a right to know just exactly what war Harper is planning to wage that he would squander our money so recklessly

- Our money that Harper is spending ought to go towards education, child development, healthcare and care for seniors.

Not only is this right,

It is the best way to create jobs and stimulate the economy since one dollar of every dollar is spend inside Canada, whereas Canadians will be lucky if we get any spin-off jobs from the F-35's.

- Keep in mind that now Harper is saying now we will not enter a contract until peek production. That means, if you look at it logically that is, that all the spin-off jobs must already be in place.

So, Harper's touting that Canada getting spin-offs need not be built into the contract but purchasing the planes will ingratiate Canada to the US military so that they will throw us a bone or two, is nothing but pure unadulterated 'Con'.

- As with the tar sands, the high paying jobs and those requiring highest qualifications go to people who have the experience, education and connections, now. That means the US.

The menial work can go to the 'locals' - i.e Canada's youth from provinces like Ontario where other well paying, career jobs have been lost to the high cost of oil and gasoline as well as the Canadian Petro-dollar.

If we are such a Oil Power, why is it gasoline is $1.35 at the pumps. I don't feel empowered, my car is definitely not empowered.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html