13 March, 2011

- Harper - Tory??? If Harper Were Truly Tory, He Would Resign

Posted: 1:12 PM on March 13, 2011 The Globe and Mail
The Tell, Chris Alexander’s new battlefield, Margaret Wente, Globe and Mail, Mar. 13, 2011

If Chris Alexander is into nation building, how about waiting until after Harper is through with 'us, Canada as a nation', help pick up the pieces and re-build Canada up to the great nation handed down to us by our forefathers, through their blood, sweat & tears.

If Alexander thinks that the Con's are the same as the PC of old, then he has simply been outside Canada focused on other countries' affairs far too long.

Perhaps he should sit down with Joe Clarke for a while, who dedicated a considerable amount of his life fighting to maintain the great PC tradition against the onslaught of Manning, Harper and the extreme right movement out of Alberta.

The Conservative Party of Canada is not the Progressive Conservative Party. As they say there is nothing Progressive about Stephen Harper.

The Tories have a long and proud history of contributing to build this great nation of ours. They may be right of centre but underlying there policies has always been the good of the country as a whole.

The Conservative Party of Canada does not have a long and proud history and what history they do have is not anything of which I would expect someone would be proud.

We all know how the Con party was formed and by what deceit, betrayal and treachery (sounds like Harper)
[see Wikipedia:
Peter MacKay won the leadership of the PC Party as a result of a back-room deal with David Orchard. According to Wikipedia "it was eventually revealed that the infamous 'Orchard deal' promised . . . no merger or joint candidates with the Canadian Alliance, and a promise to redouble efforts to rebuild the national status of the Progressive Conservative Party' (31 May '03)

On 15 Oct.'03 MacKay and the PC announce they will form a new party with the Alliance.

"In December 2003, the Canadian Alliance and the Progressive Conservative parties voted to disband and merge into the Conservative Party of Canada." (Wikipedia)]

That is not a name change or any kind of attempt to continue the long and proud tradition of the PC party.

The Con's are not the Tories. It is not a question of 'old-style' v. 'new-style'. They are very different beasts. Although the Con's I am sure are quite pleased and make very little effort to dispel the confusion - Con's are con's, of course they'll say their Tory, they say a lot of other things that just don't square.

Quite simply, Harper is a right-wing, extremist, always has been and always will.

Harper is supported by a core of die-hard, right wing extremists (33%) with epi-centre Alberta, that will support him pretty much no matter what as long as Harper gives them what they want - and a review of Harper's background will give you a pretty clear picture of just exactly what that is.

These right-wing extremists keep Harper in power and will continue to do so as long as the Moderate Majority don't consolidate.

However, it is us, all Canadians, that must take responsibility. It is our country, not Harper's and not a small group of right-wing extremists.

We must consider the impact of all the Harper Policies on our Nation and the Legacy we leave to our children and our children's children to prevent Harper from tearing asunder what has been built thru the blood sweat and tears of our forefathers, maintain what we have achieved in the past, and perhaps improve on it, if possible, and leave our children with the appreciation of us having lived here and not a bitter resentment that we were ever given a turn at the helm.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html