26 March, 2011

- Gilles Duceppe . . . called Prime Minister Stephen Harper a liar, accused his government of fraud and influence-peddling

Posted: 12:56 PM on March 26, 2011

Duceppe says Harper lying, Les Perreaux, Globe and Mail Update, Mar. 26, 2011

"Gilles Duceppe . . . called Prime Minister Stephen Harper a liar, accused his government of fraud and influence-peddling"

'Stephen Harper did everything to provoke an election,' Mr. Duceppe said, ridiculing the prime minister’s stance that the opposition parties have forced a vote Canadians do not want.

'The Conservative leader wants to impose his ideology without bounds,' he added, responding to Harper’s plea in Ottawa earlier in the day for a majority Conservative government.
(NP, 26 Mar.'11)

Harper: “Let me be perfectly clear . . . "
[Harper] “Let me be perfectly clear: unless Canadians elect a stable national majority government, Michael Ignatieff will form a coalition with the NDP and Bloc Québécois,”

“Imagine a coalition of arch-centralists and Quebec sovereigntists trying to work together. The only thing they'll be able to agree on is to spend more money and to raise taxes to pay for it.”

Reminds me of Richard Nixon

The parallels between Harper and Nixon are scary

[see below: - Harper: “Let me be perfectly clear . . . " - Déjà vu Nixon ]

Look for Harper looking right into the camera and with the double 'V' signs saying

"I am not a liar"

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html