28 March, 2011

- The Bizarro World of Stephen Harper

Posted: 10:41 AM on March 28, 2011 The Globe and Mail
Tories to unveil deficit-contingent family tax cut
Bill Curry, Ottawa— Globe and Mail Update, March 28, 2011


Yet another SH-iteration (SH=Stephen Harper, of course)

"'The Stephen Harper Family Tax Cut' . . .

The measure would not be implemented until after the deficit is erased – a feat that is not scheduled to happen until 2015-2016. "

Harper announcing a plank in the Con platform that would not take effect until 2016 ???

Am I reading that 'Right'

(morally that is - perhaps in some kind of Right-wing extremist sort of way this makes some kind of sense, albeit in an emotional, 'Rationality is Irrelevant', sort of way)

Is that bizarre or what.

Someone should remind Harper of his own Fixed Term Election Law

which apparently, like so many other Con Laws, applies to everyone in Canada but Harper and the Con's,

after all there is no need to bind Harper and the Con's to any law since

Harper "makes the rules" anyways

According to the law we must be another election before this program would take effect:

Here, Stevo let me do the math for you:

The way it works is:

2 May 2011 + 4 years = 2 May 2015

Somehow Harper keeps forgetting this little gem of a law. The last time was when he dissolved Parliament for the last election.

Of course, with Harper's contempt for everything Democratic in Canada he may force another election "sooner rather than later"

On the other hand, perhaps Harper feels, in his heart of hearts (??? . . . whatever) that, and "let me make myself perfectly clear", he and the Con's may not be in power then and feels this is so important to Canadians that he wants to introduce it now.

Here's a suggestion - save it for the next election Stevo, if you're still leader of the Con's at that time.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html