20 February, 2010

- Harper: Prorogation - 'the devil made me do it' !

Comment on: National Post
Judging Giorno, Some call the chief of staff a disaster, but others call him disciplined, John Ivison, February 20, 2010

Harper always blames someone else when one of his strategies gives bad results. The latest is the Prorogation. Apparently, the new Harper excuse for Prorogation is that 'Oh, and by the way, did I mention, the devil made me do it . . . no, really . . . it's true . . . it was the devil . . . honest . . . no really . . . trust me . . . it was the D-E-V-I-L, DEVIL, Da-Da-Da-Da DEVIL . . . he'smaking me smile right now too' - he did not want to Prorogue Parliament but merely take a ten day break; Prorogation was someone else's fault and Harper was talked into it.

Harper, show some moral fiber, some back bone, stand up at take responsibility. For an action that is as serious as Prorogation, disbanding Parliament for so long, and such a gross display of contempt for Canadian Democracy, it is the Prime Minister's responsibility, sole and absolute.

Harper should be too embarrassed to even suggest that he was talked into it.

Also, what are we doing with a Prime Minister that can't understand that Canadian would get very upset about such a politically self-serving assault on our Democracy and Democratic Institutions.

Harper's vigorous defense of his action since Prorogation belies this new excuse.

Prorogation was a cold blooded, self-serving, totally politically motivated act, of a nature that we have come to expect from Harper, the Canadian people be Damned. It is totally incredulous that he would now suggest that he didn't want to do it.

Also, every one knows the real reason for Proroguing is to try to shut down investigation of the Afghan Detainee Transfer and ensuing cover-up scandal and put some distance behind it. It was either face the music now or face the music later. Harper chose later since, it couldn't be much worse.

And, perhaps in the meantime he can convince Canadians of what a great Prime Minister he is by, for example, suggesting that if were not for Harper spending countless (on because the actual amounts are redacted by the Harper government) billions on converting Canada's military to a 'fighting machine', so that he, MacKay, O'Connor, et al, could 'associate themselves' with the military and play soldier, the World would have fallen short in their assistance of Haiti after the earthquake. Harper made this revelation in Haiti the other day - "To do soft power, you need hard power", wow, what a Zen Master. He chose Haiti to do this, of course, so the Canadian Media and Opposition Parties could not confront him with the error in his thinking.

This, of course, is crass politicizing of a terrible tragedy to which all Canadians and people in many other countries rose to provide assistance according to their abilities. Perhaps, Harper is doing this because he is looking to run Haiti, after he and the Con's get the boot from Canada. I wouldn't wish that on even Canada's worst enemy (of course, before Harper, Canada didn't have any worst enemies and we actually quite well respected in the World, but now . . .)

Harper and the Con's have tried to convince Canadians that the reason for Proroguing Parliament and for so long, is to allow Harper and the Con's to do the serious work of Government, without the disruptions of Parliament. They need the time to 're-calibrate' and especially to seek the input from Canadians on their Throne speech and Budget.

Harper says Ottawa is doing "important work to prepare the economic agenda," without the distraction of non-confidence votes and election speculation. - http://www.bnn.ca/news/14958.html)

Harper also has suggested that non-confidence motions cause disruption in the stock market. The Prime Minster is not to give advise on the stock markets. One can only wonder why Harper is taking such an active interest in the market. Isn't he the one that feesl trunoil makes for "good buying opportunities". See my previous discussion on this issues: 10 January, 2010, - Stephen Harper is the Bizzaro World (Opposite) Twin of "Open Democracy"

'On CBC's Power & Politics with Evan Solomon yesterday, [Flanagan, Harper’s former chief of staff and mentor] said that everyone knows the only reason Mr. Harper prorogued was to “shut down the Afghan inquiry."'

Apparently, Harper has sent out E-mails to all the Con PM's asking for suggestions for the Throne speech.

Harper, the Opposition Parties, which represent 2/3 of Canadians, I am sure have some suggestions. Also, Ed Clark and the Canadian Council of (150) Chief Executives appear to have some serious suggestions as well. Oh, sorry, I forgot, you don't like them, they have legitimate positions that don't agree with yours (different views in a tolerant, multi-faceted, complex society - now there's a reason not to consult with them) and the moral fiber and backbone to stand up and be counted - I can see how Harper would be turned off by that (character foil, and all that).

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html