10 February, 2010

- Harper is Outed !!!

Posted, 2/10/2010 10:50:30 AM to The Globe and Mail
Tories' hard line on criticism of Israel
could spark backlash, MP says, Campbell Clark, 9 Feb.'10
Tab 28

Harper basing Canada's policies on his religious beliefs but doesn't have the honesty, or integrity, to come out and say it,

is that Ironical or What!

Am I reading this right (morally that is) - see Thomas Darcy McGee (Tab 20).

Can it possibly be true that Harper, and the Con's, run our country based on his personal, narrow, restrictive religious beliefs as opposed to what is in the best interest of all Canadians.

What about Separation of the State and Church.

We are a secular society and not a religious based totalitarianism like Iran.

This, of course, explains a lot about Harper the Con's and their policies. Harper has his personal agenda and Canada be damned (literally - at least for those that oppose him).

For example, and this is certainly not the only example, now I understand when Van Loan said that “The professor has a different philosophy than us,” in reply to report released by Graham Stewart, Prof Michael Jackson, et al, in late September, "A Flawed Compass", reagdingHarper and teh Con's Tough on Crime agenda.

The authors of the Report, Graham Stewart and Prof Michael Jackson (Van Loans's 'Profesor'), were basing their Report on rational scientific methods, empirical data and pragmatic anaysis - i.e. rational thought. Van Loan's 'philosophy' is manifestly opposite, deliberately devoid of logic, rationality and fact based policy. The revelation that Harper is basing Canada's policies on his personal, narrow, restrictive religious beliefs certainly goes a long way to explain this.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html