12 February, 2010

- Harper Panned by Canadian Banks - Is that Ironic or What

Posted: 2/12/2010 1:00:12 PM - The Globe and Mail
Ignatieff demands Harper apologize for criticism of CEO's take on raising taxes, Bill Curry and Tara Perkins, 12 Feb.'10
Tab 35

Hypocrite thy name is Harper

TD Bank CEO Ed Clark:
Apparently at the conference last week in Florida, Clark pointed out
"The Canadian population is extremely unhappy to see these deficits".

Also that at a recent meeting of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives,
". . . almost every single person said raise my taxes. Get this deficit done,"

Discussing a recent meeting with Harper under the guise of listening to what Canadian have to say in preparing their budget.
"He doesn't listen, but you get to chat with him"

So much for the highly touted consultations with Canadian.

Harper is not seeking any input from Opposition Parties, either.

So, just what is Harper basing the budget on - that just leaves Harper's right wing extremist ideology.

Harper may feel, and he is correct, that Canada's banks are the best in the world. But, obviously Canada's Banks do not feel Harper is the best PM or the Con's are the best government.

Harper has been going around saying how great the Canadian Banks are and trying to take credit for it on the International stage.

Is that Ironic or what!

Rather than taking what the Banks have to say seriously, i.e. the 'rational approach', Harper is viciously attacking 'the messenger' on a personal level, a-la-Colvin, et al.

These types of attacks are indicative of someone who knows they have no rational basis but refuses to admit it. We have seen this many times before with Harper and the Con's, of course. This attack was not intended to be for the benefit of all Canadians, but to rouse his core of die-hard supporters. The next level of 'alert' is mobilizing them with accusations of a 'coalition with socialists and separatists'.

Even the Conservative Party in England takes note of what Martin and the Liberals achieved in balancing the budget in the mid '90's that the Progressive Con's had straddled us with.

If anyone wants to know the difference between the old Progressive Conservative Party and the Con Party now, just compare deficits - 30b to 60b and counting. When you get that big, it has to be ideological.

The PC wanted power but had the interests of Canada, all Canadians and the future of this nation, at heart. Harper has dedicated his career in public life to tearing asunder Confederation and so doesn't care as long as he can maintain power and achieve his ends.

We should all take that seriously.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html