14 August, 2010

- James Travers, Turn on Your Light, Let It Shine, Shine, Shine, Shine, Shine

Submitted: 8:50am, PST, 14 Aug.'10
Travers: Liberals look on as Tories vandalize Canada, James Travers, Aug 14 2010

- James Travers, when you're right you're right (morally that is).

"Another is for Michael Ignatieff to screw Liberal courage to the sticking point and declare enough is enough.

. . .
Conservatives go too far when they trample widely shared Canadian values by twisting truth to fit narrow ideology."

This is almost the one year anniversary of Ignatieff's "enough is enough" and the backlash by Canadians.

It is not Ignatieff and the Liberals that must stand up be counted and say "enough is enough", it is the people of Canada, each and every one of us (except that 33% core die-hard supporters epi-centred in Alberta that are the reason Harper is able to tear this great country of ours asunder).

As long as these Harper polices do not consolidate the opposition then Harper and the Conservative party can take the position 'Canada be d[redacted]'.

If Canadians are not willing to give Harper the boot, the Liberals if they force an election run the risk of allowing Harper and the Con's to get a majority and if you think Harper is vandalizing Canada now, that's kid's stuff if he gets a majority.

Lloyd MacILquham