09 August, 2010

- Harper, off grid? You can bet'cha He's Been Planning Something Special for this Fall

Submitted: 7:23am, PDT, 9 Aug.'10 the Toronto Star
Hébert: Michael Ignatieff’s tour recasts his image, August 09, 2010, Chantal Hébert

"The four-way split in the opposition vote that acts as a damper on Liberal fortunes is not going to be resolved by a summer tour. But the Liberals can only maximize their votes in the next election if they are seen as the only realistic alternative to Stephen Harper and the Conservative party. At this point, they enjoy enough of a lead on the New Democrats to at least sustain that assertion."

As long as the Harper policies do not consolidate the opposition then Harper can take the position 'Canada be d[redacted]'.

The core of die-hard, right wing extremist supporters, epi-centre in Alberta, is the important thing since they are the ones keeping Harper and the Con's in power. These supporters do not require logic.

With their support Harper can introduce pretty much anything he wants that furthers his Con agenda and benefits his core support, to the detriment of Canada and Canadians as a whole. He will not lose the die-hards and perhaps even attract a few others hear and there - who knows even get a majority, God forbid.

This, of course, explains Harper polices regarding the Long Form census, mega-billion dollar spending on 65 F35 jets, the G8-20 conference, increases in prisons for unreported crime, etc.

The solution is give Harper and his Con's the boot, and now, before he reeks more havoc on Canadian society. And you can bet'cha he's got something special planned for this Fall

Lloyd MacILquham