23 August, 2010

- Harplet, "To release or not to release – that is the question:"

Submitted: 7:48am, 23 Aug.'10, CBC News

Gun program head's ouster not political: Elliott, RCMP chief says it's 'fairly self-evident' senior Mounties trying to push him out, CBC News, August 20, 2010

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous criticisms
Or to take arms against a sea of opposition
And, by suppressing the Report, end it.

[take-off from Shakespeare's Hamlet, of course]

"'There is not one iota of truth in that,' [RCMP Commissioner William] Elliott said. 'The media and others just made this up. It's not true, it's not true, it's not true.'

Before his quiet removal, Cheliak was set to unveil a major report before the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police at its annual general meeting in Edmonton and receive a president's award for his work on the long-gun registry."

It seems to me the litmus test on this one is:

Does this mean that the 'major Report' on the Gun Registry that Cheliak was going to release before the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police at its annual general meeting in Edmonton, will still be released at the same time, or at least well before the 22 September vote on the private member's gun registry vote.

This is, as opposed to say, 2 days after the vote, which, it seems, as I recall, happened in the last Report and vote on the same Bill - vis.: "The email trail shows the 2008 firearms report was received on Sept. 18, [2009] but 'apparently reviewed by the office of the liaison to the minister for some time. The minister's office is now saying that because they did not receive the report until Oct. 9, they have until Nov. 6 to table it' [2 days after the vote, 4 Nov.'09].

The 2008 report was a largely positive review of the gun control program, and confirmed growing police use of the gun registry database. The 2009 numbers are even more pronounced. " (Toronto Star)

I think that RCMP Commissioner William Elliott announcing that this Report, in toto, un-abridged, un-redacted, un-amended, un-edited, will be released to the general public well in advance of the vote on 22 September, and then so releasing it of course, would go a long way to underlining his statement "The media and others just made this [allegation of political interference by Stephen Harper and his Conservative Party] up. It's not true, it's not true, it's not true."

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