04 February, 2011

- Peter MacKay Not one of Canada's Best Citizens - You Got That Right

Space is the place for Peter MacKay and Marc Garneau to bicker, Jane Taber, Globe and Mail, February 3, 2011

Peter MacKay: “Canadians can always count on this government to do the right thing when it comes to giving the best equipment to the best citizens, who are the members of the Canadian Forces. "

Am I reading this right (morally that is) . . . Canada's best citizens are in the armed forces???

I resent that remark.


I would be very surprised if any members of the armed forces went around thinking they were better than everyone else in Canada. Everyone that I ever heard speaking were actually quite humble and honoured to serve (the people of Canada, that is).

Where does MacKay, as Minister of National Defence, get off saying something like this.

Oh and by the way, did I mention Peter MacKay regrets "not having had the opportunity to serve [his] country in uniform"

Well Peter two things:

If you are saying that you are not one of Canada's "best citizens" you've sure got that right.


Just exactly why did you not have the opportunity to serve your country anyway and, hay, why not now. Give everyone in Canada a break, resign your seat and go join the army.

It does give insight into why MacKay, without justification, is insisting that the armed forces get F-35 'eye watering technology' - at the 'eye watering cost'

Not because it fits in with Canadians needs for their military or that it fits in with Canadians or Canadians' national and International aspirations.

MacKay obviously feels that the reason that Canadians should spend $16 billion, and counting, is because the military are first class citizens and the rest of us are here to cater to their whims.

Simply because it benefits the military does not make it right (morally, although it may be 'Right' ideologically). Simply because it is what Harper wants doesn't make it the aspiration of all Canadians - or at least the Moderate Majority (66%)

Based on public knowledge it is ludicrous to suggest that the F-35's are for the benefit of Canadians or Canadians' national and International aspirations.

As far as spending is concerned there are many matters that take priority over purchasing F-35's that would also entail keeping the money in Canada as well as actually directly benefiting all Canadians and Canada as a nation. I can give you one example that doesn't fit this bill - spending $10's billions of expanding prison facilities.
Mr. MacKay:

The people serving the military are military states

The military serving the Prime Minister are dictatorships

Democracies are where both the military and the Prime Minister serve the people.

Let's bring back Democracy to Canada give Harper, MacKay and all the other Con's the boot.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html