17 December, 2010

- Ignatieff v. Harper: Morally Right v. Ideologically Right

Submitted: 7:58am, PST, 17 Dec.'10 Winnipeg Free Press
Ignatieff says Liberal message is catching on, Winnipeg North result showed voters choosing hope over Conservative fear
By: Mia Rabson, Winnipeg Free Press, 17/12/2010

Ignatieff: "'yeah we need to be tough on crime but we need to be smart on solutions.'"

Iggy when you're right (morally that is), you're right.

Harper and the Con's only concern regarding crime in Canada is not to solve the problem but to garner votes and support from the extreme right and monger fear

Everything Harper does is partizan, designed to attain and maintain power and Canada and Canadian be dam[redacted]ed.

All Harper policies are ideologically driven to cater to the 33% right-wing extremists that blindly support Harper and the Con, as long as Harper delivers, of course.

The Harper policy of 'tough on crime' is implemented by a hodge-podge of ad-hoc, right-wing ideologically based proposed laws, aimed to maximize partizanism without the least interest on whether it is the right (for the good of Canada that is) thing to do, as opposed to the Right (ideological) thing to do.

Harper has such little concern over his proposed legislation to implement this 'tough on crime' hype, that he very willingly throws the Bills out each time he prorogues Parliament - even his last excuse for proroguing indicate this - to "recalibrate" - clearly indicative of the value Harper places on implementing the 'policy'.

Oh, and did I mention, Harper has no reservations about spending 10's of billions of our hard earned tax dollars, in implementing these disjointed one-off's, without the least indication as to whether it is rational to do this. It may keep Harper in power but it is our values as a nation and children that will pay.

excerpt: Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html