14 December, 2010

- Harper fails the Test of Truth - Mardi Tindal, When You're Right Your Right (Morally That Is)

Posted: 10:51 AM on December 14, 2010 & 10:54 AM on December 14, 2010
The PM fails the tests of accountability on climate change, By Mardi Tindal, moderator of the United Church of Canada, Citizen Special December 14, 2010

Very interesting and well written assessment of Harper and the Con's, albeit a bit understated, leaving a lot to be read between the lines.

"First, the prime minister fails the test of truth. . . . The accuracy of
various future scenarios can be disputed, but there is no longer any serious question that significant change is accelerating "

"Second, leaders must be accountable to the community. . . . It was, in fact, in Alberta where people of every economic sector -- the oil industry included -- shared with me their deep concern about our economic future if we don't understand the need to limit emissions."

"Third, leaders must be accountable to the future. The climate change impacts that we have seen are modest compared to what our children and grandchildren will experience if we don't act. "

If there is more than a mere possibility that our action now will cause serious environmental, economic, social harm to our children and our children's children in the future, whether 20 years - 30 years or 50 years. Then, we must act, and act decisively and to the extent required, now.

When all those countries that have not contributed to Global Warming or benefited from it but suffer the greatest devastating impact of it turn to Canada and see that we not only contributed to it, did nothing to stop it, but in actuality have benefited, we will be lucky if all they do is sue us for trillions in law suits similar to the tobacco suits.

The problem is amplified by the fact that the results of our actions do not manifest disaster now but in the future and it will be our children and our children's children that will be required to pay the price.

Let not our legacy be a bitter resentment that we were ever given a turn at the helm.
It would be a breakdown in rationality to suggest that human endeavours do not pollute.

It is also a serious flaw in the application of intellectualism to suggest that this pollution does not have an impact.
In a word, it is a gross, and deliberate, failure of the test of truth

If the grass roots in Alberta are concerned about global warming then exactly whose interests are Harper and the Con's protecting - other than the US Oil conglomerates that are the only ones with a net benefit from the Oil Sands.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html