15 October, 2010

- Pushing Harper and the Con's back to the fringe is a benefit

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Tory spending will force Liberals to scale back social program plans, Oct 14 2010, Susan Delacourt

There are many 'fringe' benefits to getting rid of Harper and the Con's, Saving Canadians 10 of billions of dollars is only one, pushing Harper and the Con's back to the fringe is another.

If the only thing that Ignatieff and the Liberals were to do were to cancel the 16 billion Harper and the Cons' are spending on the 65 F35's as well as canceling the 10's of billions of dollars Harper and the Con's increase prison facilities will cost us, then, it is well worth it to given Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party the boot. Although the 10's of billions in prison facilities may be costs imposed upon the Provinces it still is money out of our pockets.

If you believe Jim Flaherty that our deficit will be eliminated by 2016, based on policies implemented in last year's budget,

"The national deficit hit a record $55.6 billion in the last fiscal year, though Finance Minister Jim Flaherty says he is confident that the government will be able to balance its budget in 2015-2016.

Using belt-tightening measures that the government introduced in the last budget, Flaherty said Ottawa expects that its deficit will steadily decrease each year. " (CTV, 12 Oct.'10)

then, eliminating these insane expenditures planed by Harper in the 10's of billions of dollars can only make things better, much, much better.

Of course, getting rid of Harper and the Con's has many, many other benefits as well.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html