27 October, 2010

- Breaking News: My comment (see: "Confidence In Harper Hits Rock Bottom", 26 Oct.'10, below ) was pulled down from the Taber article

leaving only:

"Score: 4

Name withheld
10:49 AM on October 26, 2010
This comment has been removed from our system.
This comment has violated our Terms and Conditions, and has been removed. "

I E-mailed them yesterday:

"I am quite surprised since I didn't think I had violated any terms and conditions.

Could you please point out just what it was that caused my comment to be pulled,
if for no other reason than so I know what I doing wrong for next time."

As yet I have not received a reply.

You judge for yourself whether my Comment violated their Terms and Conditions:

The Globe and Mail policy:

"When and why are comments removed?

We reserve the right to remove comments that are not in accordance with our terms and conditions and comments that a) include personal attacks on Globe journalists or other commenters; b) make false or unsubstantiated allegations; c) quote people or sources where the quote or fact is not known or easily verified; or d) include vulgar or hateful language or libelous statements, or comments that are legally questionable. Our editors and bloggers use their best judgment in making these determinations. We try to err on the side of maintaining a civil discussion, while at the same time fostering an atmosphere in which readers can have a stimulating debate on the issues of the day. Comments may also be removed if they are not relevant to the topic, if they contain advertising, "spam" or other commercial elements, or if the person posting the comment is impersonating someone else. "

(for the actual Terms & Cionditions: http://v1.theglobeandmail.com/help/termsandconditions/)

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html