03 July, 2010

- Mea Maybe Culpa

On 28 June I wrote:

"28 June, 2010
- Harper the Master Strategist - Give them Toronto
Submitted: 7:16am, PDT, 28 Jun.'10 The Toronto Star
G20 editorial: Brutal spectacle failed a city and its people, Steve Russell, 28 June, 2010, The Star

G20 fence coming down in Toronto, 28 Ju.'10, CBC News

. . .

If anyone was wondering the real reason Harper had the G20 moved to Toronto, we can now clearly see. Prentice would surely get the boot in the next election had this happened in his riding. Toronto doesn't vote Con anyway so what Con cares. To add injury to injury, apparently Harper and the Con's are refusing to cover the damage (which the individual owners explain this type of damage is not normally covered by insurance).


and on 30 Jun.'10 I wrote the same thing:

"- Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's Off To Alberta We Go
- Harper's Economic Policies are Great, If You Live In Alberta -

Submitted: 6:55am, PDT, 30 Jun.'10 CBC News

Canada's economy cools in April, Bucks trend of 7 consecutive increases, June 30, 2010, CBC News


The riding in question is not Jim Prentice's but Tony Clement's riding.

I'm blaming my text editor.

And, all Harper's Ministers are the same anyway, they simply do and say everything as directed in the Harper MEP's. After a while it gets hard to distinguish one Con from another.

However, I will take under advisement to endeavor to promise to try to be more careful in the future.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html