14 July, 2010

- Harper Has No Interest in Toronto

Posts closed: The Toronto Star
Bay Street snubbed in Stephen Harper’s stock watchdog plan, Les Whittington, 13 Jul.'10

Prime Minister Stephen Harper was blunt. “As an Albertan, I have no interest in seeing this sector centralized in Toronto,”

That just about says it all, doesn't it.

Anyone in Ontario, Quebec, that supports Harper and his Con's ought to take this statement very seriously.

Anyone in Ontario, Quebec, that does not vote to get rid of Harper and the Con's ought to take this statement very seriously.

And Toronto is the worst for attracting Harper and the Con's interest. One need only ask themself why Harper changed the location of the G20 from Tony Clement's riding to Toronto.

I posted on 20 June "Harper the Master Strategist - Give them Toronto"
"If anyone was wondering the real reason Harper had the G20 moved to Toronto, we can now clearly see.[Clement] would surely get the boot in the next election had this happened in his riding. Toronto doesn't vote Con anyway so what Con cares. To add injury to injury, apparently Harper and the Con's are refusing to cover the damage (which the individual owners explain this type of damage is not normally covered by insurance).

Anyone in Canada who thinks that Harper and the Con's do anything for the good of all of Canada ought to take this statement very seriously.

Harper and the Con's have 33% of die-hard supporters whose epi-centre is Alberta. They are the reason Harper is in power and they are the reason Harper would hold onto power in the next election.

These die-hard supporters are right wing extremist who have only Alberta, and perhaps Saskatchewan, a bit of Manitoba and an bit of BC, at heart. Tom Flanagan's comparison of the Calgary stampede to Toronto Gay Pride Parade was not slip of the tongue ("And then there is Gay Pride. Everyone loves a good costume party, even if the dress code is leather chaps and Stetsons for Calgary cowboys and leather hot pants and feather boas for Toronto gays." G&M, 25 May'10)

Anyone who thinks that these supporters have all Canada's best interest at heart should pay more attention to what's going on in other parts of this great country of ours. Anyone who thinks these people have Ontario's best interests at heart are in for a very big surprise.

Harper does everything for partizan interests, everything is to hold onto his current support.

Harper brings in a few ad hoc policies here and there to hopefully pick up a few points to shoot for a majority. But, this is secondary to holding onto his current support, and the rest of Canada be damned.

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html