05 July, 2010

- Harper, Riddle Me This 'If There Is Nothing To Hide, Why Hide It'

Posted: 10:46 AM on July 5, 2010
Government fails to tell public of $869M preferred-supplier contracts, Kathryn May, Canwest News Service · Sunday, Jul. 4, 2010

Is anyone really surprised.

After all Harper is the Master of obscuration, obstruction, obfuscation, concealment, distortion, anti-transparency and outright MEP's.

Also, Harper and the Con's treat the Canadian treasury, i.e., our hard earned tax dollars, as if it were their own based on the age conservative old principle 'to the winners goes the spoils'.

An interesting question, of course, is why Harper and the Con's are doing this.

Stephen Harper, answer me this riddle: "If there is nothing to hide then why hide it".

Last week Harper converted downtown Toronto and well over 1 billion dollars to his own use so he could hold a private party for a few photo op's for himself and other Con's with the leaders of the world. Give me a break.

Harper and the Con spending is making the cost of setting up the gun registry look like kid's stuff and Liberals like they were a bunch of pikers (they dealt merely in millions, Harper deals in billions).

Lloyd MacILquham cicblog.com/comments.html